EMT Courses

Rice University EMT Courses

Rice offers two levels of EMS certification courses: Emergency Medical Technician (EMSP 281) and Advanced EMT (EMSP 282). Students learn all the skills they need in order to successfully sit for the National Registry of EMTs exam. Upon successful completion of the course and NREMT exam, students are eligible to receive Texas EMT certification or transfer that certification to most other states in the USA.

Because of the intensive nature of EMT training courses, the need for small class sizes, and time limitations during the semester, enrollment in Rice’s EMT courses is limited to persons accepted through an application process. Further details are available below. EMS courses may also be taken at outside organizations. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at riceemseducation@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!


Emergency Medical Technician (EMSP 281)

This course is designed to give students basic knowledge of how to treat patients. Topics covered include patient assessment, pre-hospital treatment of medical and trauma emergencies, and an introduction to pre-hospital emergency medicine. The course meets for approximately four hours twice a week, with additional Saturday meetings required for special instruction (ambulance operations and patient extrication) and clinical internships (Emergency Room and Ambulance rotations).

Enrollment in this course is limited to students who successfully pass an application process.

The application for the Fall 2026 EMT course will open on March 7th. It will be due on 03/14/2025 at 5:00 PM CST. 


Advanced EMT (EMSP 282)

This course is designed to be a step between the EMT and EMT-Paramedic levels. Students learn additional information on topics covered in the EMT course, as well as skills like advanced airway management, intravenous/intramuscular medications, and fluid replacement. Completion of this course is a requirement to be considered for the InCharge position in Rice EMS and is advantageous for those planning on using their EMT certification in an outside service.

Enrollment in this course is restricted to students who hold a Texas EMT certification by the first day of class. Time requirements for this course are similar to the EMT course, though clinical internship time is significantly increased.

The application for the Fall 2026 AEMT course will open on March 7th.